

For 正规网赌软件推荐, SAP standards are evaluated by measuring the maximum time frame and pace of progression a student takes to complete their degree objective (Quantitative 标准)和学生的GPA(定性标准).  对这些标准进行评估 在申请联邦财政援助基金时,新申请人和 at the end of each enrollment period (fall, spring and/or summer) for continuing applicants.  SAP标准适用于所有学生,无论以前的经济援助历史如何.  


Financial aid eligibility requires students to declare a major in an eligible program, 无论是副学士学位(AA/AS),成就证书(CA), 或转学计划.  学生应:


  • Meet with an academic counselor to create an educational plan which outlines the courses they have completed and are required to complete to achieve their educational goal 在正规网赌软件推荐.  
  • Use their educational plan, class schedule, college catalog and other college publications 帮助他们完成他们所宣布的学习计划.  
  • Enroll ONLY in courses required for their program to ensure meeting SAP requirements.

令人满意的学业进步(SAP)被教育部定义为 学生完成某一教育目标所需的正常时间 不能超过课程长度的150%. 节目的长度可以根据情况而变化 关于项目要求.  要获得经济资助,你的教育目标必须 获得副学士学位、证书或转学到四年制大学.


When you apply for financial aid, we must review your entire academic record and determine 你是否取得了令人满意的学业进步. 以下信息概述 我们满意的学术进步政策.



1. 定性测量-平均绩点(GPA)

学生必须保持一个学期的总GPA为2.0或更高. 学生 副学士学位或转学课程的学生也必须达到2分.毕业后平均绩点0 两年.


2. 定量测量-进度的速度

学生 must meet SAP standards listed below to make certain their overall completion 率 is at least 79% of the units 尝试 per semester to ensure an acceptable Pace 的进展.  进程速度是通过除以单位数量来计算的 completed by the number of overall units 尝试 to calculate the student’s completion 率. (例如:一个学生完成了65个单元,总共尝试了80个单元.  By dividing 65单位 completed by 80 units 尝试 the result is an 81% completion 率).

  • Full-time students (12 or more units) must complete at least 9 units each semester
  • 四分之三的学生(9-11).(5个单元)每学期必须完成至少7个单元
  • 半日制学生(6-8岁.(5个单元)每学期必须完成至少5个单元
  • 少于全日制学生(0.5-5.5个单元)必须完成 .5单位




3. 最大时间范围-单位限制 自从大多数正规网赌软件推荐副学士学位课程和通识教育(GE) Transfer programs are approximately 60 units, students will be expected to complete their educational objective by the time they have  completed 71个单位 或企图 90个单位, whichever occurs first (60 units times 150% equals 90个单位 尝试 maximum). 这 includes changes in majors and all units completed at all other schools, and applies 对正在攻读副学士学位或转学的学生.  学生 working towards completing a Certificate program will be expected to complete their educational objective by the time they have completed 36个单位 and/或企图 45 单位,先到的取.


已完成 71个单位 或企图 90个单位 (副学士学位/转学目标)或完成 36个单位 或企图 45台 (对于证书目的)将需要提交上诉的最长时间 框架,以确定正规网赌软件推荐的进一步经济援助资格.  In evaluating the appeal, the 金融援助 office will determine if the student will be able to complete their program of study (major and educational objective) within 150% of the program length in order to be eligible for further financial aid (except the 学费减免及奖学金).   一般来说,这个单位提供的最大值就足够了 资助一个教育目标,而不是多个目标.  

Once a student has completed their educational objective or is determined (through 上诉过程中)无法完成自己的学习计划 150% 对于节目长度,他们 不会 有资格在库亚玛卡学院获得任何更多的经济援助(除了奖学金) 学费减免及奖学金).


英语作为第二语言(ESL) 学生最多可以获得35个ESL单元的资助.  最大单元数 奖学金将根据学生的综合英语语言能力来决定 评估分班成绩和/或教育计划.  适用于学位的ESL课程 或可转让的课程被排除在ESL单元限制之外,并作为常规单元计算.  ESL courses taken in a descending order (for example, if you have already passed ESL 103 and take ESL 100 the next semester) or below the placement score (for example, 如果你的综合英语技能评估分数推荐进入ESL 100和你参加ESL 96)将被计算为常规单元,不能被扣除.  Exceptions may be made if documented by Cuyamaca personnel and approved by the Financial 援助部门.


For more information on the Combined English Language Skills Assessment test, go to 评估服务  网页或致电(619)660-4426与评估中心联系.  报名参加 综合英语语言技能评估到 自助服务 在“学生”菜单下找到“入学/评估/咨询”部分.


补救课程 如果有书面证明,学生最多可以获得30个学分的补习课程 通过评估分数和/或学术顾问.  下行时所修的补习课程 order or below the placement score will count as regular units and may not be deducted.  Exceptions may be made if documented by Cuyamaca personnel and approved by the Financial 援助部门.



1. 以下将被视为已完成和尝试的单元:

  • “A”到“D”的成绩
  • “CR”或“P”通过了学分

2. 以下将被视为尝试单元,但未完成(不足) 单位):

  • “F”级   
  • “W”(退出)
  • “我”(不完整)
  • “NC”或“NP”(无学分或未通过)

所有重复的课程都计入最长单位时间和最短单位时间.0 GPA standard, including semesters for which Academic Renewal may have been applied 招生和记录.



If you did not receive financial aid during the previous academic year, we will review your entire academic record 在正规网赌软件推荐, as well as coursework transferred 从其他学院来的.  如果你有满意的学业进展将被评估 尝试了12个或更多单位. 这包括转入正规网赌软件推荐的课程.


The overall number of units completed will be compared to the overall number of units 尝试. 如果你缺12个或更多学分或者你的总平均绩点低于 2.0,你将被要求以缺乏进步/ GPA低的理由提出上诉. 新申请人 are not meeting SAP standards are not eligible for 金融援助 警告 consideration.



Your GPA and number of units completed will be checked at the end of each semester 并根据SAP通用标准进行评估.



  • 未处于经济援助警告状态或经济援助留校察看的学生; who are paid at ½-time enrollment or higher (6 or more units), and do not make SAP 被列入下学期“经济援助警告”名单.
  • 被安置的学生 警告 有资格获得警告期的经济援助,并且必须为 这一学期,以保持自己的财政援助资格.
  • 学生将被书面通知,他们已被置于警告状态 and they 不会 be required to submit a 金融援助 appeal for the 警告 term. A student placed on 金融援助 警告 who does not make SAP again for the 警告 该条款将被取消下一条款的资格,并将受财务 援助上诉程序.


  • 所有没有做SAP的学生(不包括符合经济援助的学生) 警告 上述标准)将被取消获得经济援助的资格.
  • 学生 choose not to go through the Financial 援助上诉程序 or who do not make SAP while on 金融援助 Probation will be disqualified and 不会 regain eligibility for financial aid 在正规网赌软件推荐 until they meet the reinstatement 条件(见下文).


  • 学生 were disqualified for not meeting 金融援助 SAP standards have the 选择通过财政援助上诉程序提交上诉. 学生 通过上诉程序获得批准的学生将被置于经济援助试用期 并且有资格获得经济援助.
  • 学生 on 金融援助 Probation must make SAP according to SAP general standards above and may also need to meet the conditions set by the Appeals Committee to maintain 经济援助资格.

学生 are subject to disqualification going into summer will be required to 提交一份申请,要求在随后的秋季或春季学期恢复学业. 如果是学生 receives financial aid in the summer session, they will be held to the SAP criteria 之前在通用SAP标准中概述的.



学生 may appeal for reinstatement or continuation of financial aid by submitting 向财政援助办公室提交财政援助申请表格. 经济援助申请 必须注明:


1. 关于你为什么没有完成最低要求的情有可原的情况 单位数,保持2.平均绩点为0,或超过最高单位时间.


2. 你将采取的步骤来提高你的学术地位或积极的进步 完成你的教育目标.


3. 支持您的情有可原情况的文档.


学生将收到上诉决定的书面通知. 如果你必须上诉 because of lack of satisfactory academic progress as determined in the SAP general standards above, you are not eligible for retroactive awards if the appeal is approved.



恢复不是一个自动的过程,也不能保证. 学生可以尝试 to regain eligibility for financial aid after disqualification and/or denial of appeal 由于缺乏进展:

  • Enrolling in a minimum of six (6) units and completing a semester of SAP according 达到之前概述的SAP通用标准
  • Submitting a 金融援助 Petition form (check 金融援助 Reinstatement box in Section 1) and appropriate information/documentation as outlined on the petition form
  • 遵守上诉决定中规定的任何其他具体条件 由上诉委员会作出
  • 上诉获得批准



